Call For Proposals
Apply by March 10, 2025
The AABC Program Committee is accepting proposals to present at the 2025 AABC Birth Institute to be held September 11-14, 2025, in Portland, Oregon. The theme of the conference is “Navigating the Future: Birth Centers as Empowered Changemakers.”
The AABC Birth Institute, the annual convention of the American Association of Birth Centers, is the nation's premier conference for birth centers and brings together about 250 birth advocates from across the nation.
We welcome abstracts that address clinical issues and administrative challenges for birth center providers/administrators and others developing innovative solutions in maternity care. Whenever possible, abstract submissions should include content about racism and health disparities, social determinants of health, and diversity and inclusion.
General Information
It is not required to be a member of AABC to submit an abstract.
AABC is a multi-disciplinary organization with members including birth centers, alongside midwifery units, administrators, midwives, physicians, nurses, birth assistants, doulas, lactation consultants, consumers, and organizations supporting the birth center model of care.
AABC has adopted a set of Community Agreements for the community to share space respectfully and with accountability. We ask you to review and indicate acceptance of these community agreements. If you are selected to present at the conference, you will be required to indicate the acceptance of these agreements.
AABC believes in the profound relationship between language and our beliefs, practices, and well-being. All presenters are asked to use inclusive language in their presentations. See AABC Inclusive Language Guidelines
Presentations should refer to midwives and midwifery in recognition of the different types of midwives practicing in birth centers (CMs, CNMs, CPMs, LMs).
Whenever possible, abstract submissions should include content about racism and health disparities, social determinants of health, and diversity and inclusion.
The individual submitting the abstract is considered the primary contact. All correspondence about the abstract will be emailed to the submitting presenter. The primary submitting presenter is responsible for communicating any details and updates about the abstract and presentation to the other presenters.
The AABC Birth Institute is an educational conference. Presentations may not be for direct promotion of a product or service.
Topics of interest to the AABC Birth Institute attendees include:
Innovative models of birth center care
Sustainability – financial, staffing, ownership
Day-to-day operations
Leadership training
Integration, communication and collaboration
Branding, marketing and social media
Stress management
Reproductive justice
Abortion access at birth centers
Serving diverse communities and racial equity
Financial management
Billing and contracting
Human resources – staffing and fellowships, contracts, student relationships
Adding auxiliary services
Trauma-informed care
Clinical drills and skills
Complications in the peripartum period
Sentinel events
VBACs in Birth Center Practice
Risk management and CQI
Navigating Malpractice Insurance
Obtaining hospital privileges
Student integration
Public health and advocacy
Technology in birth center operations
Types of Education Presentations
Concurrent session (60 minutes)
Research presentation (30 minutes)
Poster presentation
Instructional Design
Be informed by sound learning principles
Facilitate knowledge transfer and development of new competencies
Stimulate and provoke discussion, audience engagement, and outcome-focused design
Use methods that draw out relevant past knowledge and experiences
Presenter Information
Presenter Limits: Education Session presentations are limited to no more than three presenters.
Conference Registration: All presenters are required to register for at least one day of the conference and will receive a speaker discount.
Expenses: All expenses related to attendance at the conference, including registration, travel, and lodging, are the presenter's responsibility.
Inclusivity: All presenters agree to abide by the AABC Community Agreements and use inclusive language in their presentations.
Questions? Please contact Kate Bauer at 215.234.8068 or
How to Submit a Proposal
Use the online submission form to submit your proposal by 11:59PM ET on February 24, 2025.
Only complete proposals will be considered by the AABC Program Committee.
We recommend preparing your information in advance of submission.
Title of Presentation
Summary Description (limit 150 words)
Type of Presentation (check all that apply)
Concurrent session (60 minutes)
Research presentation (30 minutes)
Poster Presentation
Primary Focus of Presentation
Timely Topic (please specify)
Should the conference need to move an online format, is the presentation translatable to an online format?
Presenter(s) Information
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Bio (150 words); upload CV/Resume
Learning Objectives – Provide at least 3 learning objectives that clearly state what the participant will learn from attending this session. For example, “At the end of the session, the learner will be able to explain….”
Content Outline – Address the topic and all the objectives. Include the time that will be allotted for each section.
Does the session include pharmacotherapeutics for APRNs? If yes, describe the content and how much of it is related to advanced pharmacotherapeutics.
Bibliography – Provide at least 6 evidence-based resources. References should be within the past 5 years unless the reference is a classic that is still relevant. At least 4 of the references should be from a peer-reviewed journal. Use APA format; you can use a free APA citation generator like this.
Acknowledgment that you have read the Presenter Information included in this Call for Proposals.
Acknowledgment that you have read and agree to the AABC Community Agreements.
Complete an online conflict of interest disclosure form for each presenter